You are required to plan, carry out and evaluate a research project on a relevant Health or Social Care topic. Your completed project is broken down into several parts;
A research proposal (500 words)
Maintenance of a ‘Research Diary’ (500 words)
Report (1,500 words)
Evaluation (250 words)
Your tutor will regular check in with your progress. They must approve your proposal before you may carry your research out.
You must produce a detailed research proposal (2.2). Your proposal must establish your research aims (2.1) and you need to justify its relevance to your subject area (2.3)
Your tutor must approve this before commencing your study.
Research Diary
You must include this with your proposal to evidence specific timescales for the completion of your research (2.2)
You must carry out your project. This must adhere to the research proposal, which will have ethically approved by your tutor. You must complete this within the time frame you have indicated within your research diary (3.1)
You must produce a report using the standard format (4.1) of:
Literature Review- including an evaluation of different research methods used in your subject area (1.1)
Methodology- outlining how you will carry out the research and justifying your method
Results (Data)- this will be in tables/graph format
Evaluation of findings in relation to the research aims (4.2)
Throughout your report you must consistently reference sources used, using the accepted method of referencing in place at your place of study (4.3)
You must evaluate your proposal and its procedures (5.1) and evaluate the methods you used in your research project (5.2)