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This essay (and supporting evidence from the Patches as necessary) will be used to decide on your final summative grade for the SDQ017 Curriculum Studies module
Synoptic essay guidance: Science
A 2000-word essay which brings together the knowledge that you have learnt about teaching Science over the year plus is a summary of what you have learnt through doing the Patches and PIP sessions.
There are two parts to this essay: -
The layout of the essay should be something along the following lines. This is just for guidance. You do not need to follow it exactly.
This sets the scene for this essay, clarifying why the question is important and gives an idea of how you are going to tackle the question. You may use ‘I’ and you could give pointers as to what is to come in general terms.
First part which addresses question 1 above. It should consist of a few paragraphs of one point each with evidence from literature. If you are writing from experience you should look for a reference from the literature to support the argument you are making.
Consider the statutory framework of the Science National Curriculum and the teaching standards.Include specific reference to UNC Children’s Rights.
This should be a summary of what you have discussed in the essay, linking it to the introduction and giving pointers for further investigation
The standard price quoted for this assignment is upto 2000 words. For custom word count and written work, contact via Click here → Whatsapp UK, OR Whatsapp UAE ← Click here OR Live Chat.
Email: [email protected]
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