Not Attempted
Content Importance of topic, relevance, accuracy of facts, overall treatment of topic.
Completeness Level of detail, depth, appropriate length, adequate background of information.
4 Points Topic is highly focused and relevant; presentation contains accurate information with no fact errors. Presentation provides good depth and detail; ideas well developed; facts have adequate background; presentation is within specified length.
3 Points Topic is adequately focused and relevant; major facts are accurate and generally complete. Presentation provides adequate depth; few needed details are omitted; major ideas adequately developed; presentation is within specified length.
2 Points Topic would benefit from more focus; presentation contains some fact errors or omissions. Additional depth needed in places; important information omitted or not fully developed; presentation is too short or too long.
1 Point Topic lacks relevance or focus; presentation contains multiple fact errors. Presentation does not provide adequate depth; key details are omitted or undeveloped; presentation is too short or too long.
0 points
Organization/ Clarity Appropriate
introduction, body, and conclusions; logically ordering ideas; transitions between major points.
4 Points Ideas are presented in logical order with effective transitions between major ideas; presentation is clear and concise.
3 Points Most ideas are in logical order with adequate transitions between most major ideas; presentation is generally clear and understandable.
2 Points Some ideas not presented in proper order; transitions are needed between some ideas; some parts of presentation may be wordy or unclear.
1 Point Ideas are not presented in proper order; transition lacking between major ideas; several parts of the presentation are wordy or unclear.
0 points
Documentation Proper support and sourcing for major ideas, inclusion of visual aids that support message.
4 Points Effective message support provided in the form of facts and visual aids; sourcing is current and supports major ideas.
3 Points Adequate message support provided for key concepts by facts and visual aids; sourcing is generally adequate and current.
2 Points Some message support provided by facts and visual aids; sourcing may by outdated or thin, visual aids need work.
1 Point Little or no message support provided for major ideas; visual aids are missing or inadequate; little or no sourcing provided.
0 Points
Delivery Adequate volume. Appropriate pace, diction, personal appearance, enthusiasm / energy, posture, effective use of visual aids.
4 Points Good volume and energy; proper pace and diction; avoidance of distracting gesture; professional appearance; visual aids used effectively.
3 Points Adequate volume and energy; generally good pace and diction; few or no distracting gestures; professional appearance; visual aids used
2 Points More volume/ energy needed at times; pace too slow or too fast; some distracting gestures or posture; adequate appearance; visual aids could be improved.
1 Point Low volume or energy; pace too slow or fast; poor diction; distracting gestures or posture; unprofessional appearance; visual aids poorly used.
0 points
Grammar/Mechanics Correct grammar usage that is appropriate for audience(s).
4 Points Presentation contains no grammar errors, sentences are free of jargon, complete and easy to understand.
3 Points Presentation has no serious grammar errors; sentences are mostly jargon-free, complete and understandable.
2 Points Presentation may contain some grammar or sentence errors; sentences may contain jargon or are too long or hard to follow.
1 Point Presentation contains several major grammar/ usage errors; sentences are long, incomplete or contain excessive jargon.
0 points