This assessment is a literature review and should cover and include evidence of:
- The nature and magnitude of an environmental change taking place currently
- Human activities causing the environmental change
- How the environmental change is affecting ecosystems and the goods and services they provide
The report must be logically structured. Your essay should have the following sections: Title, Introduction, Main Body, Discussion and References. The content and number of sub-headings is entirely at your discretion.
Title: This should be chosen by the student in discussion with the instructor.
Introduction: This section should give relevant background information to set the context for the essay. You must include a rationale for topic choice. Also, a well-defined aim should be stated at the end of your introduction.
Main Body: Details must be given on the topic as mentioned above along with sufficient evidence from journal articles. Images or tables can be included but must have titles and legends and be appropriately referenced.
Discussion: An evaluation of the scientific literature must be done where you summarise the information gathered and draw some inferences or make conclusions. You should restate your aim and say whether or not you fulfilled it. Some recommendations can also be made for future work. Consider what information is still lacking on the topic.