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Assignment B
This assignment aims to develop and assess your ability to;• Produce a 60-minute PPP grammar lesson plan to introduce the first conditional to talk about events that are likely to happen to the class below.• Demonstrate the ability to develop a clear presentation stage, a board plan, time line, and controlled and freer practice tasks.• Demonstrate the ability to give clear instructions and clarify meaning and understanding (concept checking questions).• Grade teacher language appropriately for learners’ level.• Explain the appropriate use of activities and resources.
What am I required to do?To create a 60-minute grammar lesson, with appropriate stages, tasks and resources.
Who am I teaching?An A2 monolingual class of twelve 14-16 year olds (6M, 6F) in their own country. They are at late elementary level (A2).Decide what nationality your class is and state this in the lesson plan.
Guidance - Preparing to Write your Lesson PlanBefore starting to write this assignment, you should;1. Read Unit 1 Part 3 on lesson planning. à [“Unit 1.docx” included in the Assignment files I’ve uploaded]2. Read Unit 7. There is also a short section (pag.9) on PPP in Unit 6 à [“Unit 6.docx” + “Unit 7a.docx” & “Unit 7b.doc” included in the Assignment files I’ve uploaded]3. Research the target language: First conditional to talk about events that are likely to happen. There is some information on conditional forms in unit 7, but you will need to look at it in further depth and reference your sources.4. Read the following document carefully, download it and save it to your local machine. Notes on teaching this form. à [see the file “Ass B Notes on teaching this form.doc”]5. Look at this model assignment, which demonstrates how we want you to present your work. N.B. This is for different target language – you should not copy anything directly from the model.
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