This is a portfolio based on formative assessments: exercises and psychometric tests undertaken throughout the semester (they need to be placed in appendices).
The most important part of the portfolio will include reflections on your KSAAs (knowledge, skills, abilities and attitude) acquired through lectures, your activities during practice and feedback from tutors, your peers , family and friends. It may also include reflections on previous or present work experience.
There is no single perfect way how to structure your work but you may want to follow the following structure:
Introduction (Including objectives and your background; the importance of continuing professional development (CPD) and how the work will help you gain your ERSI (extraordinarily realistic self-image)
Main body that will include analysis of different types of information (your findings about yourself). That section is likely to include assessments of information provided by others (e.g. Johari Window) as well as information gained through completing self-assessment task (e.g. MBTI). Once the information is analysed you are likely to achieve a comprehensive understanding of yourself. Use the tests and exercises completed in class to gain your ERSI and identify your KSAAs, then reflect on your behaviour during practical sessions and finally use theories and concepts to support your discussion.
Conclusion to summarise your findings and provide a conclusion of your reflections
Recommendations (possibly, if you feel it is needed)