You are required to continue with the case study of The Gartner Top 26- 25 Supply Chain Ranking company you have already worked on for Assignment 1a and 1b. At this stage, you need to conduct more intensive research about the company; update and confirm the key issues and challenges that are CURRENTLY faced by the company; identify and conduct a critical review of relevant literature to support the analysis of the case issues.
This assignment requires you to submit a full case study analysis report (3500 words) before 10am GMT Friday of Week 6
The report should be presented as a formal business report with the following components:
(1) Title Page
(2) Table of Contents
(3) Executive Summary and Introduction
(4) Relevant information on the case company
(5) Evidence of background reading and research on the topic, relevant literature review, and correct referencing
(6) Evaluation and critical analysis of the company’s current performance; key challenges faced in managing their supply chain and logistics, compare/contrast with its main competitors’ SCM strategy, and so on using the literature you have reviewed to support the evaluation and analysis
(7) Summary, conclusions and recommendations